
  • Prize
    Winner in Sport Equipment Design / Exercices Sports
  • University
    University of Nottingham Ningbo China
  • Lead Designer
    Jiang Wu
  • Other Designer(s)
    Bingjian Liu, Xu Sun, Jiang Wu, Xinwei Wang
  • Design Status

Gonioci is a post-surgery sports bra intended for breast cancer survivors for women. Considering the increasing need for exercise after the surgery when undergoing treatments and recovery, a secure and comfortable garment with smart prosthesis inspired by a marine creature is presented. It aims at the geometry uncertainty of the trouble-side breast after removal, which may lead to vibration and pain. The smart prosthesis and portable pump can provide personalized support by stretchable units and suction force.

The stretchable rubber can also accommodate swelling without the prosthesis.

  • FIT Seal