PERS Chainless Pedalling System

  • Prize
    Winner in Sport Equipment Design / Innovation
  • Company/Firm
    CIXI Active Mobility
  • Brand Name
  • Lead Designer
    Carlos Torres
  • Other Designer(s)
    Daniel Sánchez, Hugo Rouland, Valentin Roussel, Benjamin Pion
  • Manufacturer
    CIXI Active Mobility
  • Distributor(s)
    CIXI Active Mobility
  • Photo Credit
    Andrés Cáceres, Cédric Lauzier, Peignée Verticale
  • Design Status
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

Innovative chainless electronic crankset that offers intuitive speed control and automatic and continuously variable transmission while providing a natural pedaling experience. The energy from pedaling is recovered and transferred to motors to extend autonomy. It removes the geometrical constraints of mechanical transmission, making the PERS a versatile and competitive product able to fit diverse architectures and applications, from regular and cargo bikes to high-speed vehicles.

The PERS operates flawlessly without mechanical chains or derailleurs, and no manual gear shifting. After an agile setup and personalization phase, riders select their desired power level (light, moderate, or heavy). PERS continuously manages the torque settings for an intuitive driving experience. This is made possible by patented algorithms that ensure immediate responsiveness and adjustable resistance, even when standing on pedals, perfectly adapting to various terrains such as hills or flat roads. The pedaling energy is recovered and transferred to propulsion to enable riding without battery power and increase ride range.

The PERS Chainless Pedaling system effectively manages torque, allowing users to pedal intuitively at any speed or slope, particularly beneficial in urban traffic. It eliminates the need for traditional chain maintenance, preventing derailing and grease stains on clothing. Additionally, the PERS reduces reliance on conventional transmission components and lessens stock management issues. By reducing geometric constraints for integration, it paves the way for creating new types of active vehicles. Its shape, resembling an abstract heart, strategically aligns with the brand's narrative, enhancing market engagement, awareness, and positioning.

The PERS stands for a 'build-to-last' principle, extending its lifespan and significantly reducing maintenance frequency. This project redefines daily commuting, fostering wellness opportunities in vehicles and scenarios never possible before. Its seamless integration features, expand the scope to create any kind of active vehicle, enabling more people to be physically active in their daily lives. This helps reduce diseases caused by high levels of sedentary lifestyles and stress.

Product Detail
A significant part of RnD's focus on the PERS has involved optimizing internal space within a weatherproof CNC aluminum case to host mechanical and electronic components efficiently. This internal optimization has dictated the external design. Each contour is a deliberate representation of the internal components, celebrating engineering and ensuring honesty and functionality in an aesthetically compelling manner. The result is a compact, engaging, and robust technology that resembles an abstract heart, with minimal geometric constraints, allowing seamless integration of hardware and software into a wide range of active vehicles.

- Weight Without Crankset: 2.8 kg
- Max. pedaling power continuous: 300W | Peak: 2,000W
- Max. pedaling torque: Up to 210 Nm
- Pedaling cadence: Up to 110 rpm
- Dimensions: Approximately 74mm x 180.34mm x 205.13mm
- Our target group is the trade/industry, specifically bike manufacturers.
- Our main market region is Europe.
- The project has been developed for more than 24 months.
- We plan to launch it officially in 2024.
- The state-of-the-art is an advanced working prototype.
- Connectivity services under development include geolocation, app-based locking, effort customization, and more.

At CIXI, we want to transform 'passive' journeys that are part of our busy days into moments of
conscious effort for a more active and healthy lifestyle. Our patented chainless pedaling system is our commitment to make all of this possible. From enabling people to enjoy bicycles in a new, reliable, and intuitive way, to empowering the industry to create new geometries free from chain constraints, we are envisioning the VIGOZ, an everyday vehicle, weather-protected, that can take you pedaling safely up to 120 km/h, to share that our vision of wellness through active mobility is possible.

  • FIT Seal