
  • Prize
    Winner in Sport Equipment Design / Watersport, Aquatic, Paddle Sports
  • University
    College For Creative Studies
  • Lead Designer
    Wyeth Tocco
  • Professor Credit
    John Kaloustian
  • Design Status

Nautilus is an automated oxygen delivery drone designed for scuba divers who want to feel more confident in the risk factor of diving by always providing quick access to life-giving oxygen. When low oxygen is detected or a panic button is pressed, Nautilus will immediately be dispatched from the diving boat to assist the diver. Quick access to oxygen without having to take time to re-surface reduces risks associated with diving such as suffocation and decompression sickness.

When you’re underwater, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. That coupled with the inability to ascend quickly to the surface for fear of Nitrogen bubble buildup in the bloodstream, there’s no quick path to rescue. Inspired by how jet planes can refuel mid-light, the Nautilus drone carries an oxygen tank down to a diver and attaches to an inflatable target ring, providing extra oxygen in case of rapid depressurization or if not enough time remains to safely resurface before oxygen runs out.

Product Detail
The drone consists of a fiberglass body with a polycarbonate shield protecting the on-board camera. An LED strip on the front provides light for video footage, and a sonic ping from the diver helps Nautilus pinpoint where to go. Nautilus is approximately 26" in length and is mounted to the side of a boat for quick deployment.

As a safety device, Nautilus comes standard in "sunfish yellow", a bright yellow aesthetic that allows for easy underwater visibility.

  • FIT Seal