• Prize
    Winner in Sport Equipment Design / Mixes Disciplines
  • Company/Firm
    NORDI Ltd
  • Brand Name
    AKURAT Ltd
  • Lead Designer
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Akurat Wall are a multi-functional exercise tool for body weight training and gymnastics in an innovative and stylish way.
This wall can be used for gymnastics, strength training, fitness, parkour, physical therapy, etc.
Thanks to the aesthetic and compact design, this wall can be installed at home, apartments, gyms, schools, clinics and hospitals.
Wall bar exercises can be easily adjusted to different strength levels as the intensity of the workout.
Can be used when using trx systems or rubbers.
It is important to combine pleasure with physical activity.
You can enjoy time and be active!

Akurat Wall are a multi-functional exercise tool for body weight training and gymnastics in an innovative and stylish way.
This wall can be used for gymnastics, strength training, fitness, parkour, physical therapy, etc.
Thanks to the aesthetic and compact design, this wall can be installed at home, apartments, gyms, schools, clinics and hospitals.
Wall bar exercises can be easily adjusted to different strength levels as the intensity of the workout.
Can be used when using trx systems or rubbers.
It is important to combine pleasure with physical activity.
You can enjoy time and be active!

Product Detail
AKURAT WALL is a fitness wall that allows you to perform various exercises without leaving your home. This wall can be used for gymnastics, strength training, fitness, parkour, physical therapy, etc. thanks to the aesthetic and compact design, this wall can be installed at home, apartments, gyms, schools, clinics and hospitals. Made of 40mm thick birch plywood and coated with varnish. Protects against moisture and abrasion, helping to improve appearance and extend service life. Quick and easy installation. In other words, this wall is pleasant to use.

Akurat Wall are a multi-functional exercise tool for body weight training and gymnastics in an innovative and stylish way.
This wall can be used for gymnastics, strength training, fitness, parkour, physical therapy, etc.
Thanks to the aesthetic and compact design, this wall can be installed at home, apartments, gyms, schools, clinics and hospitals.
Wall bar exercises can be easily adjusted to different strength levels as the intensity of the workout.
Can be used when using trx systems or rubbers.
It is important to combine pleasure with physical activity.
You can enjoy time and be active!

  • FIT Seal