Kendo Rebirth

  • Prize
    Winner in Sportswear Design / Indoor Sports
  • University
    Artcenter College of Design
  • Lead Designer
    Levine Zeng
  • Other Designer(s)
    Bianca Zhuang
  • Professor Credit
    Kevin Beard
  • Photo Credit
    Levine Zeng
  • Design Status
  • Web URL

Kendo Rebirth is a Sony innovative soft goods product line that offers both maximum lifestyle attributes and the best Kendo training experience through seamless technology.

In terms of sports, Kendo Rebirth assists users in achieving the best training experience through seamless technology.

Regarding lifestyle, Kendo Rebirth facilitates a seamless transition from sports to daily life for users.

By combining Kendo with daily routines, Kendo Rebirth will popularize the sport of Kendo at a good pace.

With blended seamless technology in the garments, including haptic vibration sensors, fabric recorders, and fabric generators, Kendo Rebirth products are able to bring the best training experience to users, helping them master the challenging sport of Kendo with ease."

Product Detail
3D printed prototype, modeled in Gravity Sketch. The product is still in the concept phase.

The product is still in the concept phase.

  • FIT Seal